Classification of parasites and worms living in the human body

worm from the human body

It is healthy to live in the world - parasites in the body prevent it. These are subspecies of plants and animals that live at the expense of the owner. Translated from the Greek, meanings - freeloader.

They can be external and internal through parasitism.

Parasites living in the human body are divided into flat and round worms.

The straight ones, in turn, are divided into trematodes and cystodes.

Roundworms are also called nematodes.

Nematodes living in the human body

worm parasite from the human body

What parasites live in the body, first of all nematodes - they reach a great length and are in the form of a worm, hence the name - roundworms are:

  • roundworm;
  • pinworms;
  • grape worms;
  • trichinella.

Round worm

One of the most common nematodes is a parasite, sometimes up to 45 cm in size. The female produces 200, 000 eggs, and this process takes place regardless of whether there is a male in the host's body. Along with the faeces, the eggs fall to the ground, where they turn into larvae when favorable conditions occur. You can get this helminth through dirty hands and unwashed vegetables, fruits, berries.

Signs of infection: nausea, salivation, anorexia. When there are a large number of ascariasis, serious consequences can occur, such as rupture of sutures after surgery, the development of pancreatitis. Roundworms are especially dangerous for pregnant women - they can penetrate the fetus.


Small worms up to 10 mm in size are mostly infected by children, mostly in kindergartens. If a sick person causes an infection and personal hygiene rules are not followed, the chances of infection increase significantly. Signs of the appearance of worms:

  • itching of the anal area at night;
  • reduced performance;
  • sleep disorders;
  • nerve diseases.

The presence of pinworms does not threaten the patient's life, but is quite unpleasant and causes dysbiosis.

Angurt established

The 20 mm parasite has a pink color, is less visible, but the damage is very large. There are teeth and plaques in the oral cavity that gnaw blood vessels. Larvae penetrate the body through the skin of barefoot people.

The main function of larvae is to enter the human mouth, and when they wash the saliva, they descend into the intestines where the adult helminths are thrown. It feeds on human blood, resulting in anemia. The danger comes from waste products that poison the body. Symptoms of helminths include: persistent bronchitis, dermatitis, nausea, abdominal pain, indigestion. The heart suffers from this parasite - myocarditis may appear.


The females of the worms reach 4 mm, the males are smaller. They die in the external environment and live only inside the body. The source of infection is uncooked animal meat. Through blood vessels, parasites spread to all organs, take root and can live peacefully for 20 years.

Trichinella worm from the human body

The most common signs of infection:

  • an increase in the blood test of eosinophilic leukocytes;
  • increase in temperature to 40 ° C;
  • muscle pain;
  • conjunctivitis and swelling of the face.

Trematode parasites

The small helminths have a flat body with 2 suction cups. Most of them are hermaphrodites. You need an average homeowner to grow.


Helminth - hermaphrodite, grows up to 14 mm, affects the bile ducts. Once in the water, the eggs settle in the mollusks, where they become larvae, and then the larvae settle on the fish scales. If a person eats lightly fried fish at this time, he can be infected with this parasite.

The last human body is inserted into the duodenum, where the liver larvae grow to adult helminths. People who eat fish products in water bodies and work in watercraft become infected with waste (waste penetrates into the water).


Helminths with needle-like heterosexual individuals. One pair of parasites produces up to 3, 000 eggs in 24 hours. A person becomes infected while bathing or with contaminated water. The larvae mature in the lungs and blood vessels. After that, egg laying takes place in the intestine.

In the presence of schistosomes, the following is observed:

  • stomach pain;
  • loss of appetite;
  • anemia;
  • change from diarrhea to constipation;
  • lose weight;
  • menstrual disorders in women;
  • impotence in men;
  • decreased school performance in children.

When inserted into nerve fibers, the development of paralysis, brain damage is possible.

Where helminths can be located

People often wonder where parasites live in the human body.

Localization depends on the type of host that enters the body of the "parasite". More often they are located in the digestive organs, lungs, heart and liver.

The human body inhabited by the parasite weakens and begins to suffer from various diseases, so it is not difficult to determine how the parasites live in the body. You just have to be more careful with yourself, and if you have the slightest doubt, you can not delay your visit to the doctor.

helminths in the human body

In order for the body inhabited by the 6-letter parasite to heal and stay healthy, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene, not to drink raw water and not to eat poorly cooked meat. Only then can the risk of infection be reduced.

It is very good to live in this world and you do not want to think about parasites in the human body, but you need it. After all, every second person on earth is infected with worms. The organism inhabited by the parasite is a miraculous realm. But relying on fate is the share of the weak.