No effort is required for parasites to enter the human body - eat unwashed vegetables or fruits, eat contaminated food, or inhale dust with larvae.
But getting rid of parasites is an incredibly difficult task.
The most dangerous thing is that people do not know that parasites live in their bodies. Because it is not always possible to identify them in preventive examinations.
Therefore, to protect yourself from problems, you can not only use folk remedies as a treatment, but also prevent infection and proliferation of parasites.
The following folk methods will help to quickly clean the human body from worms.
Removal of parasites with folk remedies in adults
Important points should be noted immediately. Now there are many different recipes that will save you from diseases. However, doctors strongly recommend that you consult a doctor before using a prescription to prevent health problems.
In the past, helminths were easily removed, and in most cases, simple recipes were used in the treatment. For example, up to pumpkin seeds based on garlic or pumpkin oil. In addition, medicinal components such as wormwood, cloves, strawberries, horseradish and many others have proven themselves well.
On the Internet, you can find wonderful recipes based on calendula or other herbs. Recipes based on dill, strawberry or maple leaves are also given.
Now let's look at traditional medicine recipes that will help you get rid of parasites.
- The first recipe.Built on a bow. You have to chop an onion and put everything in a thermos. Then add boiling water to a thermos and leave to infuse for about 12 hours. Then the mixture should be well filtered, as it is well brewed. You can take it the next day, but on an empty stomach.
- The second recipe.You will need a few ingredients in this recipe. Take a bowl and mix in about 100 grams of sugar and the same amount of crushed pumpkin seeds. Mix everything well and you can take it before breakfast in the morning. Doctors recommend taking this recipe 3 tablespoons a day. It is important! After taking the mixture, you need to drink about 3 tablespoons of castor oil.
- The third recipe.Bitter wormwood is the main component of the recipe, it should be washed well and poured with boiling water. Insist the recipe for three hours, then strain the mixture with a gauze napkin. The course of treatment with such a prescription lasts 10 days, and if necessary, doctors extend the course.
- The fourth recipe.This recipe is known to many, it is used only for patients with sensitive stomachs. You will need: chamomile, sea buckthorn bark. Take about 2 tablespoons of each of these herbs in equal proportions and pour boiling water over them. The herbs should be filtered after a little infusion and can be taken on an empty stomach in the morning.
- The fifth recipe.Oak bark is good for parasites, take 1 teaspoon of bark and mix it with tansy and hips. If necessary, chamomile can also be added to the recipe. Take all herbs in equal amounts - 1 tsp. Pour the herbs with about half a liter of warm water and leave for about 6 hours. Then, strain and remove as in all recipes. But you should take this recipe only before breakfast, drink 100 ml. This recipe helps, but the duration of treatment is very long. It can take 40 or 90 days, so it is used in combination with medication to speed up the healing process.
- Sixth recipe.Finely chop the sauce, you need 1 tablespoon of this herb for this recipe. After chopping, the herbs should be filled with water and left for three hours. During this time, the recipe will brew well and you can take 1 tablespoon three times a day. But remember to take the recipe 30 minutes before meals.
- The seventh recipe.This recipe is loved by many because it is easy to prepare. You need mint and sword, elecampane and immortal flowers. Take all the herbs in equal amounts and add water, leave for three hours. Take 1/3 cup of the prepared mixture three times a day. The course of treatment without medication can be a month.
Folk remedies for parasites in children: how to get rid of them
The following recipes are good for parasites and can be used in childhood. However, we would like to warn you that you should consult a pediatrician before use to avoid serious health complications.
Now let's look at treatment options.
Cover the baby's anus with cotton wool, which must first be moistened with oil. This treatment helps to get rid of pinworms quickly. Therefore, a small piece of cotton is dipped in pumpkin seed oil or, for example, hemp oil. Doctors do not accept this method because they consider it ineffective. However, some users have noted that this method helps.
Hemp and flaxseed oil
Such oils have a good anti-inflammatory effect, so they not only get rid of worms, but also help to quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease. You can also use other oils such as grape or apricot in the treatment of children. However, most hemp or flax seeds are used in the treatment of children and are considered the safest.
You can take internally, the child is allowed to drink 1 teaspoon of fat twice a day. You only need to drink fat before meals. If the baby can't drink the oil on its own, parents can do a little trick. For example, bread is saturated with butter.
Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds are often used for this problem because they have a good spectrum of anthelmintic effects. This effect is provided by the composition of the seeds, which contain an amino acid - cucurbitin. However, such a subtlety can not be used by everyone, you need to know the contraindications, the doctor will tell you.
You can take it in a simple form or prepare milk. Under 7 should not exceed 150 grams, but under 10 you can use 200 grams. After 10 years, doctors can prescribe 250 or 300 grams of pumpkin seeds.
Fresh juices and fruits and vegetables also help. In childhood, carrot juice helps worms, it should be given every day. If the child does not have allergies, a little natural honey can be added to the water to increase the therapeutic effect. Worms do not like the taste of beets, so beets are actively used in medicine. You can also take radish, horseradish or pomegranate.
At home, you can prepare a rosehip tincture for your child. You can ask your doctor exactly how to prepare such a recipe.
Tansy is an incredible plant
Homemade decoctions based on tansy are good for fighting pinworms or roundworms. But the question arises, can the child be given mildness? Because tansy contains a toxic substance, doctors are not in favor of such treatment. Therefore, side effects can occur with an incorrectly prepared recipe and even if the dosage norms are not followed.
Treatment of worms with folk remedies during pregnancy
This problem can also occur during pregnancy and should be avoided. The symptoms of the disease are not very pleasant, so a pregnant woman has a nervous breakdown in this background. You can also prepare folk recipes to get rid of parasites during pregnancy, but we recommend that you consult a doctor before eating.
Beet juice helps well against parasites during pregnancy, see how to properly prepare the recipe.
To prepare food, you must strictly follow the scheme:
- Take a large beet for the recipe;
- It should be boiled well. 2-3 hours is enough;
- Cool to avoid burning your hands while cleaning the beets;
- Rob;
- Now you can cut the cooked beets into small pieces and then put everything in a juicer to squeeze the juice.
If necessary, strain the juice well, you can use a gauze napkin or a clean cloth. Then you can take 1 tbsp. Doctors recommend drinking only once a day. The course of treatment with such a prescription can take up to 7 days.
You can also cook fresh pomegranate at home. You will need a few pomegranates to do this. They must be peeled and all grains removed. You also need to grind all the grains at home to get the juice. Then you can add a little honey and take it from the worms.
How to get it right? It is good to use the juice once a day. It is enough to drink 1/2 cup during pregnancy.
There are many recipes based on chamomile. Doctors do not recommend following this recipe, because the herb often causes complications. During pregnancy, with improperly prepared tincture, miscarriage can occur.
If you have no contraindications, the recipe is prepared as follows: you will need a few tablespoons of herbs, pour a glass of water and infuse for an hour. The prepared tincture should be well filtered, take 2 teaspoons and only 2 times a day. The course of treatment with this method can take a week.
Folk remedies for the prevention of parasites
Many people ask if there are ways to prevent such a terrible disease. Of course there is. The main thing you need to do is follow all the rules and recommendations of your doctor.
Ginger root can be used prophylactically to prevent infection. It should be cut and dried, then passed through a fine grater. You can add mass to any dish you cook at home.
You can use another recipe to prevent it. Freshly chopped ginger root is placed in a glass jar and poured with natural honey. It is easy to take such a delicious recipe - a dessert spoon is dissolved in your mouth on an empty stomach in the morning.
But if you have a baby allergy, you can not use this prevention.
Measures to prevent helminthic infestation
You need to know the basic rules for prevention. Do not eat dirty fruits and vegetables. You also need to follow the rules of personal hygiene - this is the first step in preventing parasites.
In addition, you need to get rid of blood-sucking insects such as mosquitoes or flies as soon as possible. Do not swim in open water.
When you find the first signs of the disease, you should see a doctor immediately. If your relative has parasites, he urgently needs treatment, and you should take preventive measures until the development of folk remedies.
If everything is done correctly, you can quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease and the parasites themselves, the main thing is to recognize the symptoms of the disease in time.