What prevention is needed to protect against worms?

To date, scientists know about 400 species of different helminths. They are able to parasitize almost all organs and systems of a person, causing many diseases.

Infection with worms through dirty hands

Worms are afraid of cleanliness, so the main prevention is to follow the basic rules of hygiene

According to statistics, parasites live in every fourth person on the planet, and almost everyone encounters some species at least once in their lives. Prevention of worms remains one of the most pressing issues in modern medicine. What tools can be used to prevent the entry of parasites into the human body?

General Information

Depending on the means of prevention of helminthic diseases, there may be the following types:

  • non-medicinal;
  • medicinal or traditional;
  • folk remedies.

It is difficult to say which of these areas is optimal in the fight against worms. They all complement each other, so the best effect is observed only with an integrated approach.

Non-medicinal methods

By following some fairly simple rules, you can prevent invasive forms of worms from entering the body. The latter can enter the human body in the following ways:

  • dirty food or hands;
  • when eating food that has not been properly heat treated;
  • when drinking poor quality water or water from unverified sources.
hand wash to prevent worms

It is recommended to wash your hands with soap and water several times a day after coming from the street or communicating with pets.

Therefore, non-specific prevention of worms consists of the following points:

  • to follow the rules of personal hygiene;
  • regular canvas replacement;
  • timely cleaning of the house;
  • behave properly with food before consumption;
  • use only reliable sources of water that meet sanitary and hygienic standards.

It is believed that children do not follow the rules of personal hygiene. However, this phenomenon is not uncommon for adults. Regular hand washing should be done before meals, after using the toilet, and when returning home from public places. Door handles, handles, banknotes and any surfaces that a person touches can be contaminated with parasite eggs.

They enter the body through the mouth. In this way, geohelminths are transmitted - roundworms, pinworms, whipworms, nectarines, hooks, intestinal snails. Biohelminths, which need an intermediate host for full growth and reproduction, enter the body when ingesting poorly heat-treated foods.

For an adult who actively consumes sushi, poorly processed salted and smoked fish, bloody steaks, the likelihood of infection with tapeworms increases. They are considered the longest and most dangerous of all helminths that can inhabit the human body.

You need to be extremely careful and cautious when traveling to exotic countries. Use only bottled water to drink. If this is not possible, water should be boiled for drinking and eating. You can use special preparations for water purification. Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly. When eating local dishes, it is necessary to choose those that are well heat-treated.

wet cleaning to prevent worms

In a house where only adults live, wet cleaning should be done at least once a week, and twice in the children's room. Soft toys should be vacuumed and the rest washed in soapy water.

Pets should be examined periodically by a veterinarian and then given worm medicine. If the patient follows these recommendations, it is quite possible that he will not need treatment with pills.

Medical prophylaxis

As for the prevention of worms with pharmacological drugs, scientists are divided into two major groups. The former believe that pill prophylaxis is safe, effective, and should be performed regularly. This applies to both adults and children. The second group is against the use of pills for prophylactic purposes. He believes that people do more harm to their bodies by using enough poisonous drugs to prevent worms. This tactic is similar to throwing a ball to a flock of sparrows.

Given that tablets for worms are still pharmacological agents, have certain indications and contraindications for use, as well as a number of side effects, they should be used only when there is a high probability of worm infection. In such cases, it can be suspected:

  • contact with an infected patient - at home, in kindergarten, at school;
  • availability of free-moving pets;
  • presence of clinical signs of the disease with the results of negative laboratory tests.

The latter case deserves special attention. Doctors often suspect a parasite based on a patient's complaints, and the results of laboratory tests remain negative. In such cases, doctors recommend so-called prophylactic treatment against worms. The main symptoms are:

  • general weakness;
  • weakness;
  • irritation;
  • sleep disorders;
  • problems related to intellectual activity;
  • skin manifestations of unknown origin;
  • Iron deficiency anemia.

The presence of this complex of symptoms is an indication for the appointment of traditional medicine for the prevention of worms.

Folk ways

Traditional medicine also offers many prophylactic measures against helminths. Folk remedies against worms have a number of advantages over traditional pill treatment. First of all, they are relatively safe for the human body. Prevention and treatment with folk remedies against worms are rarely accompanied by undesirable events, and they usually give good results.

The relative cheapness makes them accessible to the vast majority of the population of our country, and the relative safety allows them to be used as a prophylactic against worms.

Tansy paralyzes worms. Particularly effective as a prophylactic agent against pinworms and roundworms. There is no adaptation that will help these worms stay in the body. To prepare the infusion of tansy pour a tablespoon of raw material in a glass of boiling water, insist an hour. After that, the infusion should be filtered and drunk in a course of one tablespoon three times daily before meals.

Wormwood tape is effective against worms, roundworms and lamblia. For treatment and prevention is used alcohol tincture, which is taken 20 drops three times a day for half an hour before a meal.

Another effective remedy is pomegranate. The peel of a fruit is brewed with 0. 5 liters of boiling water. As a result, the product should be drunk for 1. 5 hours. You should take laxative tablets after 3 hours.

It is recommended to use maple tar as a prophylactic against Lamblia. To do this, you need to drink a 14-day course. On the first day, a drop of tar is dissolved in a spoonful of honey. Then one drop is added every day, the number reaches eight. Such courses may be held no more than once every six months.

Mix two tablespoons of pumpkin seeds with lingonberry juice. The remedy should be taken on an empty stomach and after three hours to take a laxative. Used against both roundworms and tapeworms.


Both pills and folk remedies for the treatment of worms should be taken only under the supervision of specialists. The final decision on the appropriateness of parasite prevention should be made by the attending physician. He will tell you what remedies are available against worms and help you choose the method that is optimal for each situation.